Something Old, Something New
2 Hours
Tu Tu Kapsus, a Kuna woman, comes down from the stars to land in 1920’s Brooklyn. Through her journey, she rediscovers the influences that shaped her life and recounts stories of her daily life as a “senior” in our culture. Something Old, SOmething New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, is Gloria Miguel’s humorous and poignant look at being an elder in her community and the treatment of elders in our society.
Performed by Gloria Miguel
Written by Gloria Miguel with Steve Elm

Muriel Miguel
1 Hour
Spiderwoman Theater Founder and Artistic Director Muriel Miguel, talks about her fascinating journey from the streets of Red Hook, Brooklyn to her pioneering contributions to the current feminist and Indigenous theatre movements in the United States, Canada and around the world. Experience this extraordinary life through photos and video from the last 50 years.

Story Weaving
1 Hour
Investigate the unique process that the women of Spiderwoman Theater use to create their plays. “Storyweaving” describes the layering of stories, images, sound, movement and music, creating a three dimensional tapestry which is embodied in space and becomes the theatre production. Incorporating the exercises that have been learned in the workshop, the participants will collectively build a performance of the stories which they will then present.